FEPSAC has recently initiated a project aimed at developing a pan-European directory of, and a possible forum and vehicle for networking/sharing among applied sport psychology practitioners in Europe. For this purpose, a survey was developed in order to gather more information on the Education/Training, Model/Expertise, Nature of Work, Supervision and Evaluation of applied sport psychology in Europe.
As this survey will lead to a more comprehensive insight in and needs analysis of the professional development of applied sport psychology practitioners it would be greatly appreciated if you could spare the time to complete this survey and forward it to other colleagues.
The link to the survey is http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KYNRSGS.
It can also be found on the FEPSAC website www.fepsac.com.
If you have already completed the questionnaire, we would like to thank you once again for your efforts and willingness to share your knowledge and experience with us.